Baylake UMC is actively serving God through our worship gatherings, ministries and service to others. We gather to worship God, grow as Disciples of Christ through our ministries, and serve the least of us through our mission and outreach work. Our concern for growing disciples is focused on our community, Virginia Beach, but also extends to the national and global levels given our outreach programs. We have many opportunities to glorify God whether it is using your talents with evangelism, community engagement, music ministries, growing our youngest disciples in faith through family ministries, engaging in adult ministries, or serving others through our signature mission and outreach projects, your talents will be used to glorify God!
Whether you are seeking a new relationship with God, growing in your faith, or well-seasoned in your journey, Baylake UMC has a place for you. We invite you to join us and support our mission to “Make Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World”!
Our mission is to “Make Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World”. We strive to nurture followers of Christ who then reach out and teach others about the love of Jesus. The mission is anchored by the words spoken by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19, where Jesus instructs the Disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We execute the mission through our ministries and outreach initiatives in our local community and around the world.
We live out our mission by connecting with our community through praying, asking (inviting), worshiping, and serving.
Baylake UMC has been serving Jesus Christ through our ministries and outreach projects for almost 70 years! In 1956, the church was created as part of a planting initiative by the Norfolk District of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church to serve the community of Bayside located in Princess Anne County. Located between Military bases, Baylake UMC welcomes active-duty military and NATO families into ministry with us while they are living in our community. Additionally, our congregation is made up of many retired military families.
Epworth Church in Norfolk was the sponsor church under the leadership of Dr. Edgar Potts. Nearly two-acres of land was purchased for the planned facility in the Baylake Pines neighborhood at a cost of $18,700. The Reverend E. Fay Bennett was appointed to serve as pastor of the project. Assisted by the young people from Epworth Church, Rev. Bennett began a house-to-house membership recruitment drive in the surrounding area. Worship services originally took place at the residence of newly recruited members followed by services at Ocean Park Fire Station on Shore Drive as the membership expanded. The church grew rapidly and has been able to maintain its membership over many decades thus, having a sustained impact within the communities we serve.
Today, the people of Baylake UMC serve in ministries to spread the good news of Jesus Christ’s love and salvation, develop mature Disciples of Christ, and provide outreach services to those in need ensuring social justice for all people. The ministries are designed for people of many ages including young children, youth and adults and offers opportunities for growth in faith through worship, small groups and mission projects. Baylake UMC is part of the United Methodist denomination and is connected to the Coastal Virgina District and the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. The church is located in the geographic area of Baylake Pines, Thoroughgood and Shore Drive area within the City of Virginia Beach.
In 2019, Baylake UMC was certified as a Pearl Faith Community by the Lynnhaven River Now Organization. This signifies our commitment to restoring and protecting our waterways. We recognize our responsibility for stewardship over this great gift that God has given to us!